Paintballers World is located at Shaw Towers, 100 Beach Road, #02-21.
Paintballers World is an authorized dealer for most of the major paintball brands. You should find all if not most required paintball accessories to get you started in the sport of paintball. We cater to individual players, recreational players and tournament teams (with tournament packages! Just ask any of our friendly staff). We also carry paintball lifestyle clothings to bring out your paintball personality off the field. Look good on the field and fantabulous off the field!
We aim to be a one-stop paintball store that caters to the growing community and offers paintball consultation and supplies (even an all-in-one field package) to regional paintball startups. Our forte in planning and coordinating paintball events and tournaments in Singapore is highly regarded by our industry partners. We are always on a lookout for partners to promote and to develop this game in Singapore, if you are keen to be a partner or dealer with Paintballer’s World, get in touch with us!
“Gett’in Poisoned Without Realising” is the tagline for our shop. So, if you are poisoned, you know where to find us.