Singapore Paintball Series (SPS) is taking the lead to promote paintball as a sport to students of Nanyang Polytechnic. Approached by students of Nanyang Polytechnic for evergreen promotion and development of paintball in Singapore, the SPS has since assisted Nanyang Polytechnic with training sessions, tryouts and introduction to paintball sports. Since establishment, the SPS has assisted schools to set up paintball interest group for their students. Benefiting from this initiative is Singapore Polytechnic, which has formed at least up to 3 paintball teams amongst their student population. In collaboration with Red Dynasty Paintball Park, the SPS is also seeking student rates for players from Nanyang Polytechnic making paintball for affordable for students.
The SPS is committed to promoting and developing paintball to the masses and have hopes to see students taking up paintball as a mainstream sport. With SPS coaching initiatives, schools will soon be assigned with SPS paintball coaches who will take up coaching assignments in schools who are keen to introduce paintball to their students.