Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Personal markers in Singapore?

I dont think so...

Things are not as easy as it seems. I have many people asking me...where can I buy a marker? Is it legal in Singapore? How can I bring my marker into Singapore? Answer is simple...no, no and no.

There is no such thing as personal marker in Singapore. Markers are classified as firearm under Singapore's regulations, as such there is no way that you can apply for your own licence to own one. At least not for the moment.

Dream on...

Pro-Paintball Cup...a new version of the Werdnahol Cup. New name, new management, new players. This year's event, will see the rise of Singapore's 2nd paintball team, the White Death Mavericks. Formed by a group of paintball enthusiats, these players know more than anybody else in the area of paintball strategy in Singapore. Pro-Paintball Cup? Here they come...

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